Ramblings of the mind...


I've done wrong and I want to suffer for my sins...

147.4. Up 3.6. I fucked up royally. Ended yesterday at 3452 cals (115.3g protein & 373.8 cals). Roughly as I estimated some things but I've been doing this long enough I know it's fairly accurate. Only buying a small bottle of whiskey Saturday was smart because I definitely would've kept drinking and even that small amount was enough to fuck me over. The hangover headache wasn't too bad in the morning but kept getting increasingly worse. I caved in the afternoon and ate against my plan and then said fuck it and got high and just binged on sugar and junk. Shawarma for lunch (with salad not right - this is a safe meal for me though a little high on the carbs). Then pizza, and then chocolate and candy. No more alcohol though.

My "Sober" app's motivational messages for me today:

"If something feels like it's missing, maybe it's your hangover. Feels good, right?"

"Two things you can control today: attitude and effort."

Absolutely gutted at how much I gained. Especially knowing it took me all week to get back to a pre-cheat weight after last Saturday's. This 2-day off plan weekend was way worse. Plus the whole luteal phase thing. UGH. Going to play a strict day and get back to it though. I can do this.

5:12 a.m. - April 15, 2024


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