Ramblings of the mind...


Sunny day...

147.4. Up 3.2. Yeesh. I knew it would be up but was hoping not that much. I barely drank any water yesterday. I definitely overate and ate things off plan but didn't binge. I tried to let myself eat what I wanted when I felt like it but with keeping top of mind to pay attention to how I was feeling and now just eat for the sake of eating. At one point I was eating these crunchy snacks while watching tv and I caught myself mindlessly just hand to mouth and too quickly so I put the bag away. It started with leftover giant pretzel (husband wanted it). Then I made pancakes and had a few of those with strawberries and maple syrup! I got whipping cream but we didn't make any. I made way too many pancakes but they freeze well so that's where the leftovers are right now. Hm. Then some almond milk and maple creme liqueur in my second coffee - that was an amazing treat. I don't usually enjoy sweet coffee but that was definitely yum. Then some of the liqueur just on the rocks. Then I was full so I decided to practice crocheting (I've knit for years but crochet is an art that always felt so foreign to me. Not anymore! I'm really enjoying it). We shared some butter chicken and samosas for lunch and then I had the crunchy snacks. I was feeling pretty done with eating at that point. A few hours later we made bacon (that I had out for breakfast but we forgot to make). He had it on a bagel with an egg and cheese. I just ate a few pieces of bacon. I had 3 of these sweetened cooler type gin drinks. They were good but too sweet and barely got me buzzed. I ate some of the fudge I bought at the festival - the rest is wrapped up waiting for me another time in the fridge. So in all just adding it up now I ended the day at 3899 cals (77.5g protein and 447.3g carbs). I guess I DID binge? I mean it wasn't a mindless face stuffing session and it wasn't eating until I was stuffed all day I actually felt pretty good. Most of the stuff I estimated the amounts/cals but I've been doing this a long time so I'm pretty confident. The biggest offender was over 800 cals of the creme liqueur (which I did measure every fluid ounce soooo). Well now that large number makes more sense. At least I remembered my multivitamin. lol.

Regardless. It was a good day. *She* was there. Judging and criticising and pleading but this was only one day and I'm determined to prove we are still in control. Drinking coffee right now and there is plenty of safe foods ready to get back on track today. The plan is to get at least 2L of water today. I have leftover tinned salmon I'm going to mash up with avocado and eat with red peppers and cucumber. Then hard boiled eggs and leftover bacon and/or leftover chicken thighs. I still have a lot of strawberries leftover so I might have some of those so not to waste them (I bought them for Husband to have with ice cream but he hasn't cracked into it yet ugh). Strawberries might put me over carbs but if I track carefully and don't go over on the peppers I can probably make it work. I'm surprised I'm not hungry right now. Usually the day after a lot of sugar or carbs the next morning I will be CRAVING more sugar hard. I'm not complaining, I'll take this. I am debating a second coffee but we might go into town to see our parents and I'm sure we'll have more there so maybe I'll wait. It's another beautiful day - the wind is still a little chilly but the sky is clear and the sun is out. I'll put the seeds outside before we go out. I think it'll be a great day to get a nice long walk outside in too. Then maybe I'll actually pick up a book. It's been too long. Hm. Feeling good. Have to remember to savour these moments.

7:52 a.m. - April 07, 2024


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