Ramblings of the mind...


I don't even know...

6:06 am: 145. Down 2 from yesterday but up from the last time I posted a weight. Still eating too much sugar and keep forgetting to take my vitamin but keeping up with higher protein. Water intake has been low also but we've been on the road basically all week and will be again today but then we'll have a bunch of days off from travel so I should be able to take better care that way. SHE isn't horribly loud right now. Still there but other bad thoughts are louder. I feel kind of numb. Tired. I wanted so much to get back into the warm bed when the alarm went off but I knew I'd easily pass back out for a few more hours and then we'd be hours behind schedule. Bed is so perfect in the morning though ugh. Sitting in the dark basement waiting for my coffee to cool enough to drink it is also great though right? haha.

9:51 pm: I'm drunk and binging and don't care. I prepped safe food for dinner but lost myself earlier somehow and I guess I'm here. I'm tired and not in control. It feels dark.

9:51 p.m. - December 14, 2023


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