Ramblings of the mind...


Push harder...

6:19 am: 140.4 which is up 0.4. I did cave and have some Halloween treats. I planned and measured and tracked it. Then I waited and waited but I still felt like I wanted it. I wasn't hungry and I was worried I would binge if I started eating anything sweet. But I didn't. I took my time and it was okay. Ended yesterday at 1352 cals and 36g carbs. Not the worst objectively though I might not feel the real effects until later -- cravings tonight? Higher weight tomorrow? Think I'm in the luteal phase right now which is the worst time to have carbs I think but I figure my period is the perfect time to give in to cravings or even a binge if and only IF I feel strongly compelled. I still feel like it's coming. Like it's inevitable. Like I have no control because it always happens. But it's not something that just happens. I make choices. I give in. My binge brain is like a toddler. I wouldn't let a toddler eat junk or do whatever they want and I need to remember the same for myself. Often we have to do things we don't feel like we enjoy because it's good for us and we'll feel better in the long run. Like taking the cats to the vet lol. I am really enjoying the keto way of eating (even if I slip up here and there). It keeps me full and feels nourishing because I eat more real foods. I find it easier to restrict too because I almost do it naturally. Fat and protein help me feel full. Carbs spiral me into overeating. I'm hoping for a whoosh soon -- if that's even coming. Maybe I've been eating too much protein? I haven't been overdoing fat because I'm hoping my body will eat the fat it already has available to it. I'm still far away from my goal weights but my body composition already feels slightly better. I'm going to keep incorporating more light exercise for now.

12:34 pm: Popping in to say I was really craving candy after eating lunch. So much so I almost just got up and started eating it. I paused and didn't. Then I put a serving in my tracker. I decided to wait and went to rake some leaves. The craving has passed. Huzzah!

12:34 p.m. - November 02, 2023


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