Ramblings of the mind...


Steady as she goes...

9:12 am: 143.2! I never thought I'd celebrate a weight in the 140s but that's down 2.2! I'm feeling pretty good too. A little tired/drained/weak but honestly I don't really mind that calm as it literally feels right. I don't think this deficit is maintainable but I'm not even forcing myself to restrict this low. I still haven't been drinking or taking cannabis in any form and in the past I'd say clearly cannabis affects the appetite but usually I still drank while restricting which didn't make it impossible but definitely made it more difficult. I have had no cravings for days now - I even sat next to my husband eating one of my favourite flavour of chips last night and no lie I wasn't even tempted a bit. I tested myself by watching him eat some and dude the crunch was perfect and the smell was mmm but my normal draw to just eat one (which always leads to ALL of them...) was non-existent. Not complaining - sober keto really works for me which I knew before but this is solidifying it. I have an event on Saturday so 2 more weigh ins and cutting back on sugar/carbs should really help get the water weight off. Anyway a few work projects got the go ahead so time to be productive!

3:23 pm: Just finished eating some egg salad and romaine. Sipping on electrolyte drink I made. Stomach feels FULL very quickly - I guess booze and cannabis (obviously) helps me ignore this fullness. Sausage, cauliflower mash, and fried zucchini is on the menu for dinner and I also added some homemade flax crackers and cream cheese to get the calories up to 1129 but we'll see if I'm in the mood. Total planned will be 16.1g carbs so that's good. So far I've been hitting all my rules except a couple days slightly over on carbs - but it was on spaghetti squash and not candy or junk food! Thinking of going for a walk to enjoy the grey day and maybe curl up with the cats and a book later. I feel so great which makes me not trust it and I find myself wondering when I'll fuck up. Nothing good ever lasts. Trying to enjoy how good it feels.

3:23 p.m. - October 19, 2023


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