Ramblings of the mind...


Day 4: ???

6:49am: 145.4lbs. Only down 0.6 but down is down even if it feels slow. It's that time of year where it still feels like the dead of night at this hour. All summer we got up around this time, but these last few days it feels wrong like it's still time to be sleeping. My husband IS still sleeping and while I actually slept well enough from about 1 until now, I just couldn't seem to settle my mind so here I am. Under a pile of blankets with a nice big mug of coffee - black of course. The house is cold. We both get cold so easily but we're also too cheap to turn the heat up -- Mom always told me if I was cold to put on a sweater! I appreciate that a lot more these days. Even the cats were still sleeping when I came down. It's not often I wake THEM up so the darkness really is affecting us all. While early morning sunshine and late evening sunsets are nice, I do love the coziness of the dark time of year. It's witchy season. I am feeling a little low energy so might need to increase calories today closer to that 1200 number but given the small loss I don't know - and I'm in ketosis now so body should start feeling better soon I hope. Chasing that dizzy high that makes me feel young and good. Water weight should start to drop quickly now. Still a ways before my favourite clothes will fit properly again. I hate that I keep letting myself swing so far this way.

5:31pm: The day went pretty well nothing special. Lots of calls but simple work questions. Felt a little low energy and definitely getting the dizzy starving high. Test strips say I'm spilling ketones which is motivating to keep going though I have an even on Saturday that I might not be able to avoid kicking myself out of ketosis. But even if I do, if I stay strict until then and get right back on track it shouldn't take long. I wasn't hungry until about 3pm when my husband and FIL made a pizza. It wasn't difficult to decline but the smell was divine. Got home about 4:30 and I had some leftovers (443 cals total) and while I was feeling hungry by then, halfway through I felt so full. But my calories have been low the previous 2 days and I worry that might make me binge or get my levels too low I'll end up eating something with processed sugar or carbs without thinking. So I finished the portion. I'm having tea now and I plan to eat something more a little later to up the calories a bit. Net carbs will be over because of spaghetti squash but still under 30g and didn't kick me out of ketosis the other day so I won't stress about that rule in this case. Going to make some tea and watch YouTube.

5:31 p.m. - October 18, 2023


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