Ramblings of the mind...


Diet Day 2: Fat Like Me.


147. Not bad considering but being this heavy just makes me feel like constant shit. Plus I'm bloated to hell so I feel and look positively massive. But getting upset and not caring is what convinces me to give in to binging so we're not doing that anymore. I do care and I will do this. Getting started on the water intake for the day and making coffee. Going to try to be productive as a distraction. Will update throughout the day.


Almost halfway through my water goal for the day. Had some homemade bone broth and flax crackers. Current calories are 245 and 3.8g carbs. Thinking of doing ground beef and veggies tomato sauce with spaghetti squash for dinner. Done my work for the day and craving a drink but enjoying some tea while I update here instead. Grey day but it's not raining - these are some of my favourite days. Perfect for sweaters and getting cozy with a blanket... and some cats ;) Feeling peaceful.


561 calories but 25.2g carbs. No processed/added sugar it was mostly from spaghetti squash. Ugh on one hand I'm not mad because it was a healthy choice, but on the other I'll never fucking get back into ketosis if I keep making excuses. 15g short of my protein goal but I think that'll be okay. I've had like a million cups of black chai tea along with my 2L of water so that part is good. It's still so early but feeling like I might just go to bed. Is it boredom? I usually stay up until midnight or later and often wake up on the couch at 1 or 2 and then just go up to bed and pass out. Usually I drink to help with the boredom and anxiety but haven't had anything today. Drinking often makes me binge-y but I have no craving for that. Maybe because of all the fluids? Hm. Gnight.

9:21 p.m. - October 16, 2023


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