Ramblings of the mind...



7:49 am: I don't think I'm burnt out but I am burning out. Christmas burnout and it's not even December yet! UGH. Haven't been weighing myself or tracking my intake or even trying to control it. I haven't been binging per se but it's like constant grazing with whatever feels good in the moment -- so sorta bingey I guess. Today was supposed to be a busy, packed day of work and then friends coming over for dinner, but the weather is a bit sketchy so we might not do all the work travel until tomorrow. ANYWAY in preparation for tonight we cooked dinner last night so that I could just warm things up tonight but that made yesterday more work than usual. And Saturday/Sunday were also prep days and baking days and I'm just TIRED. I slept dead throughout last night. It's not really the introverted tired I get from being around too many people but similar I guess. Not enough time to do nothing to reenergize from doing. So then when we finally get to wind down it's not enough time because we need to go to bed early to get UP early to keep going. But do I go to bed? No, of course not. I stay up until I fall asleep on the couch (quickly on) and wake up in a confusion at 2am. It seems it's always one of us waking up on the couch after midnight and then going up to join the other. I suppose we should try to go to bed together... try to actually go to bed for the sake of health and consistency. Anyway, he snoozed the alarm twice because I think he's feeling the chaos similarly to me because he was like WE NEED TO GET UP EARLY TO DO STUFF but then realizing we can't leave until like 9:30am there is more than enough time to do what we need. So I got up, threw on some YouTube, made coffee, dealt with the stuff still in the dryer from last night, unloaded the dishwasher, and did the cat chores. I still need to clean the bathroom, answer some work emails, prep Christmas treats to take with us, then shower and head out. The visit should be nice though I'm always anxious about hosting people. I think I might crash tonight and I was hoping tomorrow would be a quiet day but if we defer today because of weather that won't happen (and today won't replace because we still have to go out just not as much/far). HUGE snowflakes and grey day makes me want to stay inside curled up with coffee.

7:49 a.m. - November 28, 2023


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