Ramblings of the mind...


Not a Sunny Sunday...

140.8. Down 1.8. Dehydration loss but hopefully today doesn't fuck it up. Ended yesterday at 2790 cals (121.7g protein and 129.7g carbs). Had eaten most of my safe, planned food for the day but then some new friends invited us over for games and drinks. So we broke our no drinking in January rule (though only had 2 each) and avoided most of the snacks they served (I hope they weren't offended but I'm anxious about eating at other people's places -- ESPECIALLY people I don't know well yet). I did eat a few blueberries (they are health nuts so the spread was great options though higher carb than I'd like. Then when we got home at midnight I smoked some cannabis and ate some crunchy snacks and way too many chocolates. I already feel a little like I want carbs but that's the dehydration and hangover from all the carbs yesterday. I will resist and eat on plan today!. I'm resetting both my drinking and binging trackers and my calories/macros do include everything. I should have had some water before bed as my head hurts a bit this morning but it should pass as I get my hydration on. Only two drinks but hit me decently hard as I have been restricting carbs -- so remember that if you do. Restricting and especially low carb make me a cheap drunk lol. Anyway it was nice to spend some time with new friends and play some games and we met one of their friends.

8:05 a.m. - January 28, 2024


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