Ramblings of the mind...


Never give up.

I've been the same weight for 4 days. Does this mean I'm going to start gaining weight? I used to fluctuate every day and now even though my calories are all over the place my weight is stable. Too stable. I hope I'm not pregnant or gaining weight. *sigh*

I keep saying I'm going to try harder to stop binging but I keep caving so this is it. I've had enough.

Today I am having coffee, 1/2 cup fibre1 with 1 cup of chocolate soy milk (some in the cereal and just drink the rest), dinner (since I woke up late so breakfast is kind of lunch so I have an apple planned for midday snack - bad start I know) is 1/2 cup of black beans with mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, green onion and 2 tbsps of Greek feta dressing. When I get home from work if I'm still hungry I can have my 1/2 avocado and an orange (and I know I shouldn't but I can't cut alcohol out) so I'm allowing myself a glass or two of fresca and rum. Total that should bring my calories to about 895. I can do this.

We are having a potluck at work tomorrow so I'll have to have some crazy willpower but I think I can do it. I need to get my head back in the game. I need to increase my exercise and water intake. Tomorrow the scale will be down. It has to be.

10:09 a.m. - May 27, 2010


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