Ramblings of the mind...



Got up at 05:00 to feed a complaining cat. Should've just stayed up and come on here to write as I felt mostly awake. I went back to bed instead and actually did fall asleep before the alarm went off less than an hour later. For some reason the process of pouring coffee led me to feel like emptying the dishwasher, which then led to changing the cat water, and well okay why not clean the litter right now and water the plants. So it's 06:37 now and I'm done all my morning chores (except the bed isn't made because someone is still in it lol).

I have some financial stuff to get sorted today, and an important work meeting this afternoon. Need to make a grocery list and actually go shopping because the cupboards are pretty bare. Thinking of doing keto again. Haven't been drinking in January so that's good I guess. I need to drink more water and eat better because I haven't lost any weight. I still crave it some times. To relax. To calm anxiety. I

Anxiety hasn't been to hasn't been too bad I think because I have sunk myself into knitting and crochet. The past 3 weeks have been basically non-stop working. I've only had to stop a day or two to rest my wrists/arms. Hm. Not a bad habit to replace it with I guess. I'm just over half done a sweater. I've made 2 hats, and working on 2 more. About 60% done a blanket and started another mindless one. I do want to make some more but can't find the proper needles for what I need. I'd like to knit some ear warmers (I crocheted some velvet ones but would like to make thicker knit ones). I think I know the next sweater I want to attempt but we'll see how the first one goes and then I think I'll have a better idea for what yarn to use. I've sunk a bit of money into these crafts recently so I guess it's good to do something useful with them. Feeling dark and avoidant so going to try to be productive today before I sink back into it.

6:35 a.m. - January 20, 2025


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